Swordfish nr Carron Bridge
(Distance covered =
0.8 mile/Ascent =+23m)
Ju88 M2+CK nr
(Distance covered =
0.15 mile/Ascent =+1m)
As it was the West Park Monthly competition in Denny, my plan was to go and look for a Spitfire crashsite on Bengengie in the nearby Ochill Hills. My plans were scuppered however because Heather couldn't find anyone to look after her 3 month old Pug Puppy, so she had to go with us.
Because Dogs arn't allowed in the competition the puppy had to go with me and as she's too young to go off up a Mountain I had to settle for a couple of very short walks to crashsites that were very near to roads.
Blueberry Esmerelda Muffin III, a Pug named after
my Faithfull old Pug.
The first crashsite that myself and Muffin went to look for was a Fairy Swordfish that may have crashed in the Loch Carron area. I had been given a map reference of a possible crashsite location by an Aviation Archaeology Expert and after having a look at the location on a satellite image of the area I could see a very promising looking scar which lay in a distinct gap in a stone wall.
Satellie image of the possible crashsite of
the Swordfish.
Muffin at the start of her first wreckhunting expedition.
The scar which was clearly visible on the satellite image was not so easy to see on the ground as the area was very boggy and most of the trees in the immediate vicinity had been felled, dissapointedly there was no sign of any pieces of the Swordfish either. One of those instances when a metal detector may have proved handy perhaps!
The two remaining trees stand in the gap in the old stone wall.
Although I managed to find the gap in the old stone wall, that was not enough evidence to even put this one on my 'probable' list, so Muffin's first wreckhunt turned out to be a #fail!.
Off into the woods above Lennoxtown.
Next it was off to some woods above the town of Lennoxtown to have a look at the crashsite of a Junkers Ju88. I knew there was no pieces left at this one but there was some evidence to find in the shape of a large crater where one of more of the Ju88's bombs exploded and some bare patches of ground where the site was excavated by a Museum.
Approaching the clearing where the the JU88
This crashsite was in a clearing in the forest very near to a carpark so there was practically no walking involved to reach it. I did spend a little time looking for the site in the wrong clearing but after realising my error I quickly found it hidden behind some trees in the next clearing into the woods.
The crater is hidden behind a couple of young trees
in the far corner of this clearing.
A large crater is easily visible on the ground but not so much in this photo.
Muffin standing in the centre of the crater.
Above and below:- Disturbed ground where the remains of the Ju88 were excavated.
Not much luck in finding any wreckage today and not much walking involved but some lovely weather and a couple more crashsites ticked off my 'to do' list, plus it was a good introduction for Muffin to what to expect when she gets a bit older.
Muffin enjoying some refreshments after a hard days wreckhunting.