Bristol Beaufort AW345
This image is to illustrate the type only and is not the actual aitcraft involved.*
Belonging to No86 Sqn based at RAF Wick. Crashed on 28th May 1942 while
returning from a 'Rover' mission in search of German shipping leaving the
fjords in Norway. On returning to Wick in poor weather AW345 collided with
a Chain Home Radar Mast at Tannoch.
*--public domain By RAF official.collections of the Imperial War Museums.
This image is to illustrate the type only and is not the actual aircraft involved.*
Belonging to 404 Sqn. Crashed on 16th December 1943 shortly after taking off from RAF Wick. The Starboard engine failed just after becoming airborne, the Pilot feathered the prop and started a circuit to return to the airfield but half way around the circuit the other engine failed forcing a crash landing on moorland. Both crew survived.
*--By Umeyou - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,