What's to be found on Foundland.
AW Whitley N1500 on Hill of Foundland
(Distance covered =
1.15 mile/Ascent =+197m)
A rarely frequented crashsite that lies in a disused quary; visited by Chris and Shona Spencer in the spring of 2019.
Chris and Shona parked parked their car just south of the A96 road and near a small farm. They then accessed the quarry across some fields, staying along the boundaries until reaching the open moorland.
Hill of Foundland, the Whitley wreckage
lies in amongst the old quarry workings.
Approaching the area where the Whitley wreckage lies,
not easy going!
First bits of wreckage were located approximately 60m to the SE of the published grid reference for this crashsite. Further up the hill was a wreckage pile in a depression with other bits and pieces scattered around the area.
Above and next 10 photos:-Bits of Whitley wreckage found in the quarry.